Zum Thema Syrien kommt inzwischen eine neue Propagandastory hinzu. Nein, wirklich neu ist das Sujet nicht, aber erst zum derzeitigen Zeitpunkt bekommt es genauere und durchschaubare Züge. Die Medien haben vor ein paar Tagen damit begonnen, massive Kampagnen über eine wahrscheinliche Anwendung chemischer Kampfstoffe durch die syrische Armee zu verbreiten.
Die Absurdität dieser Meldungen braucht man gar nicht zu erwähnen - die ist auch so offensichtlich. Wichtig ist etwas anderes. Die Art des chemischen Kampfstoffs wird genau genannt - Sarin. Genauso deutlich meldet man, dass die düsteren syrischen Chemiker diesen Giftstoff “inzwischen zusammengemischt und in Bomben gefüllt” haben. Sarin wird in zwei getrennten Komponenten gelagert, die erst kurz vor dem Einsatz gemischt werden.
Seine für einen Einsatz genügende Wirksamkeit behält dieses Gemisch nicht ewig, die Spanne reicht von wenigen Tagen bis 5 Wochen beim Gebrauch bestimmter Stabilisatoren. Mit anderen Worten, innerhalb dieser Frist kann man eine Provokation unter Anwendung chemischer Kampfstoffe in Syrien erwarten.
Dazu zu bemerken ist die Annäherung des US-amerikanischen Flugzeugträgers “Eisenhower” an die syrische Küste. Ebenso interessant ist die kürzliche Visite des Stabschefs der Streitkräfte des Katar, General al-Attiya, nach Tunesien, in deren Resultat Einheiten des tunesischen Militärs unter das Kommando des Katar gestellt wurden (nachzulesen nicht nur bei Voltairenet, sondern auch in einer Meldung des tunesischen Verteidigungsministeriums). Dazu kommen die schon früher erfolgten Meldungen über die massive Konzentration von enormen Banditen- und Terroristenhorden im Libanon und in der Türkei in Stoßrichtung Damaskus und Idleb. Die von Norden zu erwartende Welle wird denn wohl auch u.a. von der Bundeswehr gegen die Lufthoheit der syrischen Armee geschützt werden; die Patriot-Batterien sind passend zum Zerfallsdatum des angeblich bereits angemischten Sarins “binnen weniger Wochen” vor Ort einsatzbereit.
Der Präventivschlag der syrischen Armee hat scheinbar die Fristen ein wenig verlängert. Nichtsdestotrotz werden die kommenden Wochen in Syrien möglicherweise sehr heiß.
Das Foto oben ist von einer Banditenwebseite und stellt angeblich Hama nach dem Einsatz von Chemiewaffen dar. In den kommenden Tagen und Wochen wird es bestimmt massenweise solche Bilder geben.
Quelle: chartophylakeion tou polemou (07.12.2012)
Möglicher Hintergrund (www.waynemadsenreport.com):
WMR reported August 13, 2012:
"WMR has learned from U.S. military intelligence sources that U.S. ground troops will be deployed to Syria in two weeks to help secure chemical weapons that were transported from Iraq to Syria in the months prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.
A veteran military intelligence agent confirmed that a deal was struck between the Bush administration and Saddam Hussein that permitted Saddam Hussein's intelligence service, the Mukhabarat, as well as members of the Republican Guard and Bashar al-Assad's cousin, Assif Shokat -- the chief executive officer of Bhaha -- a Syrian import-export firm, to secretly transport by flat-bed trucks its chemical weapons, including deadly VX nerve gas, to the heavily-fortified al-Safir chemical weapons storage complex southeast of Aleppo. …The Bush administration promised Saddam that as long as all the chemical weapons were placed under the supervision of Bashar al-Assad's government, which was then an intelligence partner of the CIA for intelligence sharing and the rendition and torture program the Bush administration would refrain from invading Iraq.
However, the actual goal of the Bush administration was to keep the U.S.-supplied VX and its weapons casings from falling into the hands of United Nations inspectors and even U.S. military and intelligence officers after the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The Bush administration then relied on the Assad government to keep the weapons and associated equipment under lock and key to hide the involvement of the Reagan and George H W Bush administrations in supplying the material to Saddam Hussein.
Although the WMD data files have not been recovered by the United States, the physical evidence remains in the Al-Safir facility southeast of Aleppo. The U.S. troops who will be deployed into Syria in two weeks will have the job of recovering the physical evidence in what represents a second double cross, this time against Bashar al-Assad. Just as in Iraq, U.S. troops in Syria, will, once again, risk their lives to cover up the involvement of the United States in providing chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein. The planned U.S. military operation in Syria will have the primary focus of protecting the illegal activities of the Bush family, Carlyle Group, the CIA, and Dick Cheney's Halliburton in providing chemical weapons, pre-cursor chemicals, and equipment, including Army dark green converted P-400 bomb canisters with federal General Services Administration (GSA) numbers for aerial dispersal and gel cell batteries for Saddam Hussein's WMD armory."
Hintergrund siehe auch http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-irak-rumsfeld-signalisierte-gruenes-licht-fuer-einsatz-chemischer-waffen-a-279231.html
"November 14, 2005 -- US shipped deadly VX nerve gas to Saddam Hussein in 1988 and 89. In violation of UN Security Council Resolution 598, in 1988 and 1989, the Reagan-Bush administration shipped deadly binary VX nerve gas to Iraq for use in its bloody war with Iran. According to U.S. military intelligence officers on the ground in Iraq after the U.S. invasion of that country, the U.S. covered up the presence of documents and canisters clearly showing the U.S. origin of the nerve gas.
U.S. military intelligence personnel discovered VX gas canisters at the Acaca weapons site. … The canisters were physically removed by British units in Iraq."
Und noch das Kommentar von Leser Anonym (7. Dez. um 15:37):
Möglicher Hintergrund (www.waynemadsenreport.com):
WMR reported August 13, 2012:
"WMR has learned from U.S. military intelligence sources that U.S. ground troops will be deployed to Syria in two weeks to help secure chemical weapons that were transported from Iraq to Syria in the months prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.
A veteran military intelligence agent confirmed that a deal was struck between the Bush administration and Saddam Hussein that permitted Saddam Hussein's intelligence service, the Mukhabarat, as well as members of the Republican Guard and Bashar al-Assad's cousin, Assif Shokat -- the chief executive officer of Bhaha -- a Syrian import-export firm, to secretly transport by flat-bed trucks its chemical weapons, including deadly VX nerve gas, to the heavily-fortified al-Safir chemical weapons storage complex southeast of Aleppo. …The Bush administration promised Saddam that as long as all the chemical weapons were placed under the supervision of Bashar al-Assad's government, which was then an intelligence partner of the CIA for intelligence sharing and the rendition and torture program the Bush administration would refrain from invading Iraq.
However, the actual goal of the Bush administration was to keep the U.S.-supplied VX and its weapons casings from falling into the hands of United Nations inspectors and even U.S. military and intelligence officers after the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The Bush administration then relied on the Assad government to keep the weapons and associated equipment under lock and key to hide the involvement of the Reagan and George H W Bush administrations in supplying the material to Saddam Hussein.
Although the WMD data files have not been recovered by the United States, the physical evidence remains in the Al-Safir facility southeast of Aleppo. The U.S. troops who will be deployed into Syria in two weeks will have the job of recovering the physical evidence in what represents a second double cross, this time against Bashar al-Assad. Just as in Iraq, U.S. troops in Syria, will, once again, risk their lives to cover up the involvement of the United States in providing chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein. The planned U.S. military operation in Syria will have the primary focus of protecting the illegal activities of the Bush family, Carlyle Group, the CIA, and Dick Cheney's Halliburton in providing chemical weapons, pre-cursor chemicals, and equipment, including Army dark green converted P-400 bomb canisters with federal General Services Administration (GSA) numbers for aerial dispersal and gel cell batteries for Saddam Hussein's WMD armory."
Hintergrund siehe auch http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-irak-rumsfeld-signalisierte-gruenes-licht-fuer-einsatz-chemischer-waffen-a-279231.html
"November 14, 2005 -- US shipped deadly VX nerve gas to Saddam Hussein in 1988 and 89. In violation of UN Security Council Resolution 598, in 1988 and 1989, the Reagan-Bush administration shipped deadly binary VX nerve gas to Iraq for use in its bloody war with Iran. According to U.S. military intelligence officers on the ground in Iraq after the U.S. invasion of that country, the U.S. covered up the presence of documents and canisters clearly showing the U.S. origin of the nerve gas.
U.S. military intelligence personnel discovered VX gas canisters at the Acaca weapons site. … The canisters were physically removed by British units in Iraq."
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